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Praise and Hands Raised


"And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ."


Ephesians 4:11–13


Dedication. Integrity. Passion.



Senior Minister

Kevin Bethea is a former 2nd generation Pentecostal preacher; converted in the late 1980’s and retrained by the school of external studies, SIBI and the leadership of the church of Christ in Glen Burnie. He received an honorary masters degree from the University of Bible in Baltimore. He became an assistant minister under the tutelage of Brother Elmer Sembly Jr. at the Metropolitan Church of Christ in 1992. During this time he gained a reputation for strong biblical teaching and evangelistic ability. With a vision to plant a new work in Baltimore, a small group of around 35 members in December of 1995 has become the East Baltimore Church of Christ.


He has planted new works in the Baltimore area through Southside church with Richard Brent and Sandtown church with Davis Worley. For 9 years he hosted a live call in radio program entitled “Search the Scriptures” which was instrumental in increasing the kingdom of God in the Baltimore metropolitan area. Brother Bethea is a charismatic, gifted speaker who has preached across the United States. He has been featured in the Christian Chronicle and is a true visionary who seeks to expand the borders of God's kingdom through the service that he gives. 


Brother Bethea and his lovely wife, Sister Brenda Bethea are parents of four children, Erica, Eric, Eian and Erin. They are also grandparents of four wonderful grandsons.  Brother Bethea is a native of Baltimore, Maryland.


Assisstant Minister

Geoffrey Veale has been active in evangelism and preaching the gospel of Christ for over sixteen years. He was inspired by and encouraged to ministry through the example of the late Brother Humphrey Foutz, and the dedicated service of several members of the Central Church of Christ in Maryland. Under Brother Foutz’s guidance, Brother Veale served as the Director of Evangelism for  Central Church of Christ  from November 2000 – June 2006. Brother Veale has preached the gospel for congregations throughout the Mid-Atlantic and has participated in several Gospel Meetings, workshops, seminars and lectureships.


In 2006, Brother Veale served as the Associate Minister of the Church of Christ in Easton where he assisted with pulpit preaching, teaching classes, counseling, evangelism, benevolence and edification ministries, as well as planning and directing activities and events for the congregation. In 2014, he came to East Baltimore COC as an Associate Minister and was ordained an Elder a year later. Among his other duties, he oversees the Family Life and Benevolence Ministries for the East Baltimore congregation.


Brother Veale received a degree in Pulpit Ministry and Certification as a Christian Counselor at Northeast Baltimore Bible Institute and College. He currently serves as the Zoning Administrator for Baltimore City and has worked for Baltimore City government for the last thirty-five years. He is married to Lisa, dedicated wife of forty years. They have been blessed with two beautiful daughters, Jessica and Melissa, and three Grandchildren, Makai, Maria and Maleah.



Assistant Minister

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Trustees are chosen from among the congregation to be custodians of church property and serve as signatories. As a matter of states requirements for trustees, the church of Jesus Christ has moved forward in the matter to comply. Trustees are usually the ordained selected leaders of a congregation and/or other laymen who are servants to the congregation and support to the leadership.











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